Summer Learning Journey
Week 2.
Day 2: A long walk to freedom
Pretend you are Nelson Mandela and that you are living at Robben Island Prison. You have been given a journal and each night you write in it. For this activity imagine that you are Mr Mandela. What do you think he felt each day? How did he feel? Write a detailed journal entry.
Here is my journal:
As I sit in this lonely dark concrete cell with only a straw mat to sleep on I just count down the days till I'm finally free. As I'm counting I can feel I'm nearly done. Some days I feel I'm getting weaker and I'm losing my strength and it doesn't help that I'm sleeping on a the hard concrete floor. Every day I wake up then go back to sleep get forced to go work down in the quarry and if we refuse..........well you don't want to know. I'm going to tell you a secret every night I read and study to become a lawyer so when I get out I can help get people out and definitly make sure no one should come in to Robben Island Prison. I'm only allowed to see one visitor and receive one letter every 6 months.
Thank you for reading this who ever you are and look after this journal, Mr Mandela
Thank you for reading this🙋
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