
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

25.02.20 Crime fact file

This week in kereru group we have focused on crime. Yesterday we had to right a paragraph on how solving crime in the 1800's is way different to how we solve them now.

This is what I wrote yesterday on how they solved crime in the 1800's.
In the 1800's only murder and treason led to the death penalty. In 1868, executions no longer took place in public but were held in prison. In the 1800's the police would look for eyewitness's to point out the murderer, if they couldn't find the murderer they would question other serial killers and hope that they would confess.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

2020 school portraits

24.02.20                          Art Portrait

My portrait reflects me in many different ways, on the black and white half of my face apparently I look like my mother (Karen, shes the best Mum ever)! On my creative side for my mouth I did red Liqourice , for my eye I did a Donut and as for my forehead I did a Mint Choc-Chip Ice Cream with a Flake!  For my eyebrow I did a airplane because I go over seas a lot, and love to go to different places. I did a Hockey stick for my nose because here at school I play Hockey for winter sport.  I love the sea and all its creatures so i drew the back ground of my face as an underwater scene.  For my right shoulder I did mountains a stream and hikers climbing up the mountains, because in my spare time I go hiking with my super cool aunty Amy!  As for the half on my neck I did half of a BFF charm on my picture and my best friend Georgia has the other half on her picture. Around our charm we have locks to show that our friendship is forever! I did a jet ski with a flow of water for my hair and for my background I decided to go with a black and white picture to contrast with the colourfulness of my face.
Thank You for reading my blog!
From Georgia Mary Swale! šŸ˜€