Summer Learning Journey
Week 4.
Activity 3: The Diary Of Anne Frank
For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you have a -diary. In your diary please write a short story about your most extraordinary day. What happened? You can tell us about the actual event or you can make one up. Its totally up to you! Please be as creative as you can. On your blog post a diary entry about your extraordinary day. Please start your post with the words "Dear Diary".
Dear Diary, today is the last day of the term for the year of 2019. We are all leaving school but in a few hours we will be attending the UMS and Senior prize giving. The prize giving is when the principal and facilty hand out acknowledgements and awards, then at the end the principal tells the students who will be in the prefect team for 2020! I really want to be apart of the prefect team, my desired spot on the Prefect Team is Head Girl. But I will be happy with any position if I get in or not. The suspense was killing me, she calls out the other prefects and I'm so happy for them, my best friends got spots on the Prefect Team, Georgia Barrett got Deputy Head Girl and Carma Harris got Yellow House Captain! Shes about to announce Head Girl................................. GEORGIA SWALE! I'm Head Girl! :). I was so exited, I got a badge a jacket and the privilage of being selected. After the prize giving basically every teacher in the school congratulated me, including some of my closest friends parents giving hugs and saying well done! I ended up getting a photo with the principal Mrs Elley and my super cool and amazing teacher Miss Rogers! When I got home I got gifts and hugs from my grandparents and my mum showed of to everyone about me getting Head Girl at the Christmas party my family holds. One of the things that I enjoyed was that my dad showed up! He loves me dearly but he doesn't come to a lot of school events. He was super proud of me. On top of getting Head Girl I also got the Values Award from my class! P.S My mother cried so much! Her words not mine :)! I owe it all to my mum for teaching me to do everything you can to reach your goal. She supported me in going out for extra curriculars and school projects etc. Thanks for listing Diary! :)
Here are some photos from that night.🌙
Here's a photo of me and my mother --------->
Here's a photo of me and Miss Rogers ----->
Thank you for reading this🙋
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